Sunday, January 1, 2017

Blog Post #2 - Animal Planet

Several times throughout the book, a comparison is made between Mark and a lion. S.E. Hinton purposefully chose this animal because of the common associations most people make and the emotions evoked when thinking of a lion as an animal. Generally, we consider lions to be fierce and dangerous, even vicious at times. The descriptions she uses, like "friendly" and "innocent", give a much different perspective for readers. This animal was chosen for a specific purpose, to illustrate something about Mark as a character.

Now, imagine you are an author writing an account of your own life. What animal would you choose to use as a metaphor for who you are? Why would you choose this animal to represent you? What about this animal, and people's general ideas about this animal, can you draw connections to? What does that say about who you are as a person and what your personality is like?

- the associations made most often with different animals
- the emotions generally evoked from that animal
- your personality & your physical looks

Miss Ertle's Example: If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a black cat as a metaphor for who I am. Cats are often very friendly creatures, and as loving and playful as dogs, but only after they have gotten to know you. I, too, take some time to warm up to new people, and can often come off as shy and even standoffish at first. However, once you get to know me, I am very outgoing and have a large personality. Part of this has to do with cats aversion to change; they do not handle new environments or new people very well. Having moved so many times in just a few years, I know the struggle of adjusting to calling a new place "home." Once they're adjusted, though, cats are territorial creatures and spend time protecting their domain. I can be very protective of people I love and the things I cherish as my own. When they aren't being protective, cats spend the rest of their time playing and sleeping. I can be a very fun and outgoing person, and I love spontaneous adventure, but sometimes nothing quite beats taking a nice, long nap. =^.^=


  1. If I found my "spirit animal" I'd think it would be some sort of small monkey, such as a Capuchin. Capuchins are friendly animals who are often used a pets, cast in movies, and are actually mostly docile and easy to train. They are also one of the smartest types of monkeys, but also know when to have fun, which I think pertains to me perfectly. The personality of these small monkeys are also perfect for me. I think the only reason that a Capuchin wouldn't be my perfect inner animal, is the monkey's physique. I am a taller guy, while monkeys grow less than 2 feet and are really light. So, I guess on the inside I am a Capuchin, while on the outside, I'm more like a horse, blobfish, emu, or something else on the outside. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. I would choose a spider monkey to describe who I am. Spider monkeys are full of energy and they never stay still. If you have ever met me then you will now that I am the exact same way. I will never stop moving and I will always be doing something. Spider monkeys also have a
    certain schedule they follow every single day just like me. Spider monkeys and me are similar physically because we both have very long arms. As you can see spider monkeys and me are very similar and have a lot of things in common.

  3. If I were an animal, I would probably be a monkey. It is a common thought that monkeys are funny and goofballs, and I think I fit that role pretty well. Monkeys are also relatively small, so I definitely fit that quality. Have you ever heard of an orangutan? I'm sure you have, and orangutans are very smart. They also share 99% of our DNA, but that's beside the point. They have a complicated thought process compared to other breeds of monkeys. I think that I am pretty smart, so that fits me pretty well. And besides, who doesn't like to throw poop?

  4. As my animal I chose a crazy Prairie dog. I chose this animal because I am very active and outgoing. I also love to hang out with my friends as do prairie dogs. I also and very small and bouncy, I just like to move everywhere and just to move around.

  5. If I was the author for an account of my life, I would describe myself as an elephant. You may be wondering... Why would anybody describe themselves as an elephant in a good manner? Well, elephants are very friendly, to a certain point. They will be easy to approach until they get angry at somebody or something. Many of my friends see me as a big, strong, intelligent person that always has their back, just like an elephant. Elephants are never really afraid to do whatever they want in front of whoever they want, just like myself once I start trusting the people around me. Also, elephants are generally lazy, like myself, and they are only highly active when they have to be. I enjoy spending my free time doing nothing, as most of my friends know. That is why I consider myself being like an elephant a good thing.

  6. If I were writing about my life, I would use a West Highland Terrier. They seem most like me because they seem laid back and calm. They easily adapt to temperature changes and living style. They are also friendly to strangers as I am open to making new friends and meeting new people. They are also strong-willed like I can be rebellious when I am irritated about something or someone. West Highland Terriers are also known as independent, assured, and self-confident. I do believe that I am independent and assured, but I am only self-confident when I know what I'm doing and am comfortable. I get really nervous when I talk or present in front of large groups or when I am preforming. I think that my best connection with them is being friendly and open. I easily connect and make friend when I go somewhere new. I remember in 6th grade, I didn't know anyone in my class and just took an open seat. I sat next to one of my best friends and two others that I am close with. All we had to do was open up to each other, but as I remember, I didn't really talk with them until we did a group/table "project" kind of thing... Anyways, I enjoy getting to meet new people and getting to know about how their life differs and is the same from mine. I also don't normally mind what others think of me or what I'd like for dinner. I'd rather someone else make the lesser decision, but I make one choices that lead me into my future. Besides, it doesn't matter what we're getting to eat to me as long as I get food!

  7. If I was an author and had to write about my life, an animal I would use to describe myself would be a sloth. I would be a sloth because I like to procrastinate and do my homework last minute because I am lazy. Just like a sloth, sloths are very lazy and like to sleep. Although I do my homework last minute right after I finish, I am out like a light.

  8. If I were to compare myself to any animal I can think of on the top of my head. I would compare myself to a sloth. I would compare myself to a sloth because sloths are really chill and like to hang around most of the day. Sloths like food and also like to sleep, I like both of those. In general I'm really calm and chill. Once you get to know me I'm really out going and energetic and myself. So are sloths.. This is how and why I would compare myself as the animal I chose, a sloth.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. If I were to compare myself to an animal, I would consider myself to be an otter. Otters are typically considered to be an intelligent species, which I consider myself to be. They also make noises that could be compared to squeaky rubber, which is often considered by the general public to be a mostly annoying sound. I know I am annoying (especially to Braden), so this would fit with me well. Otters "chuckle" as well, and laughing is something I do a lot, as well. For physical characteristics, otters are small creatures. We are similar there. They are also playful creatures, as well as I am (kind of).

  11. If I were an author writing on account of my life, I would use a dolphin. Dolphins are aquatic, and love spending my time in or around the water. They are typically very social and intelligent, just like I can be. Dolphins are also very protective of their family and stick up to new threats. I am very protective, especially of my brothers, and are usually the first to respond to a new threat. Last, dolphins are happy creatures that help others in need. I have a tendency of helping people(maybe too much).

  12. If I were an author writing an account on my life then I would choose a cat as a metaphor for myself. I can sometimes be friendly but can also be pretty shy. I am usually pretty outgoing but I can get shy at times. I don't get shy often but when I do I just tend to walk the other way and do my own thing. I like to kind of be on my own just like cats and wander around being curious.

  13. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a badger as an accurate metaphor for myself. Badgers have dominating personalities and have powerfully built bodies. I myself am pretty strong (due to sports) and I always the leader of group projects. Badgers are also very competitive. I personally take most things as a challenge and am very competitive when its comes to sports/school. Badgers also have a pretty intense/scary reaction when they feel threatened. Once again, I am like the badger in this ways. When I panic, my reaction is pretty dramatic. When I feel threatened, I also try to scare off or intimidate the enemy (I'm pretty scary in these types of situations). Additionally, badgers are relatively small. Compared to my fellow classmates, I tend to fall on the short side of the height scale.

  14. If I were compared to an animal I think I am most like a mule. I think this is a good comparison because I am very stubborn, just like a mule. I can't be told no, and I always find a way to get what I want. I also stand my ground and don't let people push me around. When I play basketball I am very aggressive, even though I am small. Lastly, I protect people I care about and don't let them get pushed around either. For these reasons, I think I would best be compared to a mule.

  15. If I were an animal I would probably be an octopus. I am loyal and ambitious, but I still need my alone time. Octopi are loyal to each other because they are monogamous. On the other had they are a little anti-social, like me. When I do socialize, I prefer to be with small groups of friends. So as far as mental and behavioral similarities, There's a lot in common between me and an octopus. Now as far as physical similarities... I'm not so sure.

    1. Maybe if you grew a few more arms...
      Also, FUN FACT TIME! The actual plural of octopus is octopuses. Most people believe that it's octopi because they think it's of Latin origin (Latin plurals drop the ending and add -i, like cacti for cactus) BUT! Octopus is actually of Greek origin and therefore isn't changed. (Technically, it would be pluralized as octopodes due to its Greek origin, but Greek pluralization doesn't survive in English, so we just say octopuses)
      Now that you have a bunch of information you probably didn't care to know... haha

  16. I am writing only the response from my mom. I am not responsible for any of these connections. My mom had told me I am like a bear. She said if I am left alone I am chill and almost cute looking going about quietly doing my own thing. But very much like a lion, a bear too can become defensive and ready to strike if taunted. She said when I am in my state of defensiveness I can become strong and aggressive. The closest time I can relate to being like that is in football. I become a completely different person and turn savage or bear like.

  17. If I was an author writing an account of my life, I would use a golden retriever. I love to have fun and I love talking with other people. I can be protective over my friends but I wouldn't be able to hold a grudge over somebody. I enjoy babysitting and golden retrievers are great with kids too. I am eager to please other people and try my best to do that. But I also have a calm side and like to lay around sometimes.

  18. If I had to use an animal metaphor to describe my personality, it would be a Golden Retriever. Friendly, intelligent, and tolerant attitude all describe this dog. I think they describe me as well. The Golden Retriever loves its family as do I. I like to have fun, but also get work done. So does this animal. Also, up until a few years ago, I had naturally blond curly hair. My mom called me "lil golden curly Q" when I was younger. So, we have (had) similar outside appearance traits as well.

  19. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a Flamingo. Flamingos eat shrimp. I would connect that to my personality because I love to try out of the box foods. I also feel that my personality is "pink" just like the Flamingos skin. I am a fun and vibrant person. I am also very flexible. Flamingos stand on one leg and can contort there bodies into lots of different positions. Flamingos can fly and when they do it's usually towards the south. I love the warm weather and try to be in it as much as possible, just like the Flamingos.

  20. If I could choose an animal for who I am personaly, I think I would be a sloth. I chose a sloth because I am very lazy and sleep a lot. Sometimes I come in school late because I missed the morning bus and over slept. Sloths are also very slow, and in the school hallways people always tell me if I could walk any faster. But sometimes I am slow intentionally :)

  21. I have decided to change my answer to a more serious answer after some research about characteristics of multiple animals, traits, and genetics.

    After further research, I have decided I am closest to a beaver; that sounds odd to most who don't understand the traits of a beaver.

    Beavers are the workaholics of the animal kingdom, nothing outpaces them and works harder, nor derives more self-esteem than beavers in their respective careers. They perform best in unsupervised positions that require serious responsibility; this makes them ideal for an accountant or bank manager (I do a lot of accounting anyways, hilarious, right?). If asked, they will do something from scratch and have it done immediately and the results are always in.

    Beavers are organized and structured, their determined attitude spills into their life and constantly plans their future for them. Decisions are made not regarding relationships or problems, they are methodical and prepared; they are most comfortable working at their own home.

    While others play, beavers are hard at work, constantly. They are well prepared and generally in good physical condition, they find time to keep fit even in their busy schedules. The beaver is only second in size to the next largest rodent (South American capybaras).

    Beavers live in colonies and are monogamous (mate for life). Beavers are eager lovers and survive the hardest challenges, because once a beaver has made a commitment, it will move water and air to uphold its promise.

    Beavers are passionate, but hardly imaginative.

    I believe these attributes describe me in a myriad of ways, it asserts a belief in hard work and attributes its success to work. Beavers engender hard work and employ nature as their building foundations, however, to elucidate, I am not every single attribute, but I fit in the general category.

    To substantiate, these facts were taken from a personality test devised by the University of Harvard that described these attributes, and I attached them to an animal that made sense. The beaver was the animal I found and used as a result of research. You just wasted a minute or two reading this, that's hilarious.

    1. Braden, I always enjoy your answers to everything. Very insightful and includes evidence of introspective thought-- nicely done. Can't be a waste of time if I enjoyed reading it!

  22. If I an author writing an account of my life, I would use a panda as a metaphor for who I am. Pandas sleep half the day and eat for the other half which I wish I could do but that's not what actually happens. They can also be very hyper at times (panda videos) which I am when I want to. They also like to be alone most of the time and I love some good alone time to just watch Netflix or YouTube.

  23. The animal I would choose as the metaphor for who I am would be a tiger. I would choose this animal to represent me because I am loud and spontaneous. When people think of tigers they think ferocious. This would draw connections to me because I am very straight to the point and in your face. It says that my personality is very quick to draw.

  24. If I was an author I would describe myself as a wolf. I said a wolf because wolves are fast and protective of friends and family, much like me. Another reason is that wolves hunt as a pack much like me and my family go deer hunting every fall. Also,wolves take on problems as a group instead of trying to single handily take something on and that is how I like to solve problems. But at the end of the day nothing beats laying down and relaxing with family and friends.

  25. If I were to write a story about my own life, the animal I would use as a metaphor for myself would be a duckling. I am generally a trusting person, and I tend to follow my friends around when I just don’t know what to do with myself, like a baby duckling following its mother. When I get startled, I also tend to make strange high-pitched noises, like a duckling, instead of normal human noises.
    Another animal I could use as a metaphor for myself is a puppy. I’m usually pretty energetic and when I see people that I’m close too, like my friends, I get excited like a puppy would when they see their owner. My voice raises a few octaves when I’m saying ‘hello’ to people, similar to a puppy getting excited and barking or wagging their tail when they see people they are close to. I also sort of hop from side to side when I’m talking to my friends, as I don’t always like to stay still. Again, I tend to follow my friends around when I’m in awkward situations (at parties) or just don’t know what to do to pass the time, like puppies follow their owners around.
    I would be a duckling-puppy hybrid...

  26. If I wrote about an animal that describes me I would say a cat. I would say a cat because I can be very hyper and wanting to run around, but I can be lazy at times. I'm a very loyal person like cats always come back if they run away. I can be very friendly and outgoing but sometimes shy and very kept to myself at first.

  27. If I were an author writing about my life, I would describe myself as a dog. Dogs are usually very friendly and energetic. This is exactly who I am. I try my best to be kind and friendly to others. Additively, I am notorious in my house to be the one who always wants to do something. I never want to waste a perfectly good day away. Dogs can also be very shy or scared when they first meet someone. I, too, am like this. I am known to be very quiet in school, but once you get to know me, I can be very loud and energetic. To add, many people know that dogs and pretty much any animal love food. I can definitely relate. I love making food, eating food, and pretty much anything that has to deals with food. So, I guess you could say I am almost as much a dog as I am human.

  28. If I were an author writing an account of my own life, I would describe myself as a dog, specifically a Golden Retriever. This is because they are loyal and kind and leaders. I am very loyal and I stick to what I say for the greater good. I do what I can to protect those I love no matter the cost, and like most dogs, the Golden Retriever would too. I also try to be kind at least most of the time, similar to the Golden Retriever. The third reason is because they are good leaders. For example, they are very good guide dogs to the injured. I'd like to think of myself as a leader most of the time and want to do the right thing, even if it isn't what everyone else is doing. Golden Retrievers got their name "Golden" because of their blonde hair, and I have blonde hair also, so I am like them personality wise and in looks!

  29. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use an otter as a metaphor for who I am. Otters are said to be engaging creatures with a positive personality. I always try and make time to be with those that I care about, and kind to everyone. Like otters, I can be easily distracted, although I am not lazy. However, when I get focused on something, I will rise to the challenge and not give up until the problem is solved. If you know me, I have a tendency to suffer from self-doubt, which prevents me from working to my true potential. This a huge similarity between otters and I, which is a fact not often known about them. Otters tend to work better in group situations. I agree with this, as I am a very social person and I like to help others. When it comes to friendships and relationships with others, otters set high standards and follow their instincts. I usually am an open person to outsiders or close friends, but I do have barriers set. Otters are also very friendly, and outgoing. I love to have fun, and I am usually known to be a person of a convivial nature.

  30. I asked many of my friends in other classes "If I were an animal what would I be?" and most of then said a bunny. I agree with this a lot because I am timid around people I don't know, I'm energetic when i'm near something exciting, I always stick with others, and I can be a little sassy at times. i'm petite compared to others and a bit weaker.

    And I like carrots.

  31. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a black and white kitten as a metaphor for who I am. They are often very quiet and like to be loved, but also like to be playful. I am a very independent person and don't really talk much unless I am close to that certain person. However, when I am happy I like to have lots of fun and be playful. Kittens and I have very similar personality traits, but also some physical similarities. I chose a black and white kitten because I have very fair skin and dark hair. People say that I have soft eyes and a cute little face which I believe to be just like the animal.

  32. If I had to choose an animal that would represent myself, I would have to choose a sloth. Mainly because they're slow, lazy, and sleep for 15-18 hours a day. They also practically live in trees and eat leaves, and as someone who falls out of a tree at least once a week, I would say that's a big thing we have in common. They also have really poor hearing and they're one of the dumbest animals on the planet, so really if I'm being honest, I think I actually am a sloth.

    The physical appearance isn't really why I would choose them because they have like 2-3 toes on each foot, and I'm pretty sure that I had five the last time I checked. They're also really cute, and then you know, there's me. So outward appearance is definitely not a factor when I chose the sloth for myself.

  33. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use an elephant as a metaphor for who I am. Elephants are very intelligent animals and can have memories that span for many years. Like elephants, I am very smart and remember many memories from my early childhood too. I am very energetic, fun, clam. Elephants can express feelings like humans. They can display signs of joy, play, and other feelings too. One thing that all elephants have in common is the love and compassion for their family or herds. I have strong feelings for my family and love them very much like elephants do. This leads into the leadership and cooperation of elephants. Elephants try to show leadership to be one of the individuals who lead herds. I’m usually not that shy to step up and take leadership. I also cooperate well with other, depending on the people though. As we all know, elephants are large animals with a long trunk, big ears, and usually have short legs. They also have dry wrinkly skin and have large appetites, they eat up to 300 pounds of food per day! I’m one of those people who love food and eats a lot of it. I also have big ears and I’m not super tall either. In addition, during the winter I usually get dry ashy skin. Therefore, I think I would describe myself as a metaphor of an elephant.

  34. If I were an author writing an account on my life, I would use a chocolate lab. I chose this animal because I can be very smart at times, but also very dumb at times. Chocolate labs can be very smart, but they also do some very stupid things. I also chose a chocolate lab because these labs are brown and I have brown hair. Another reason I chose a chocolate lab is because they are nice and friendly. I like I am nice and friendly as well.

  35. If I were an animal I would be a golden retriever. I am playful, loyal, and caring just like golden retrievers. These types of dogs are often service dogs. Just like them I like to help people whenever I can. Golden retrievers are good with children. I also love to be around little kids. These dogs are a gold color and my family often tells me I have a heart of gold.

  36. If I were to compare myself to an animal, I would compare myself to a wolf. First of all, wolves are very protective of their friends and family. If even one thing threatens them, wolves go into defense mode to protect the ones they love. I am the same way. If anyone tries to hurt my friends or family, I try to do whatever I can to help them. Second, wolves also live in packs. Wolves don't usually strike out on their own. If I go anywhere, I will probably be with a friend or two. We don't like go anywhere by ourselves. Third, wolves are very caring. Despite their sometimes cruel nature, they care very much about the other wolves in their pack. I care very much about my friends and my family. A perfect example would be my sister. Even though we may fight all the time, I still love her and care about her and I know she does too. That is why I would compare myself to a wolf.

  37. If I was an animal, I would be a golden retriever. I am loyal, caring, and protective of my family. I can aslo be very friendly, but very mean when someone bask stabs me. I am athletic like a German Shepard and enjoy running, and playing sports. That is why I would be a German Shepard.

  38. If I were an author writing an account of my life, as a metaphor I would be a German Shepard. The German Shepard is a very athletic dog breed, and I think of myself as athletic. They enjoy running, which I do too. German Shepard can be very friendly, but also very mean . German Shepard are very loyal, and always stick up for their friends and families. That is why I would be a German Shepard.

  39. If I had to pick an animal for myself I would say that I am like a cat. Before I am comfortable with you, I most likely will not be that talkative around you. The more I get to know a person, the more I will be myself and loosen up like I am around my friends. Next, if you make me mad I am going to fight back just as a cat would if you did something they did not like. I picked a cat because when a cat is new to an area around new people they act totally different and stay away. But, if cats are with people and things they know well, they will be very crazy and outgoing.

  40. I would saw I would be an owl, because one I asked my friends and she said that. Reason why is because i’m supposedly wise to most, and people call me smart.

  41. If I were to consider myself an animal, I would say I was a bee. I look adorable but everyone is still afraid of me. I don't actually hurt anybody unless they hurt me first. I'm also really annoying. I buzz around in someone's ear until I get their attention,but then they start to swat at me and I get angry. I like flowers and I'm really tiny.

  42. If I was an animal I would be a Doe. I say this first of all because that's what my coach told me I was. Also, I am a deer because I can get scared easily but when I feel safe I am running through the meadow majestically until I trip like Bambi. I also look like a deer because without makeup because my face is all scrunchy.

  43. If I was an author writing an account for my life, I would use a dolphin as a metaphor for who I am. Dolphins are very smart and intelligent creatures, and are extremely kind once they warm up to you. I too am smart and I am very nice to people once I get to know them. Dolphins are also very enerjectic and good at doing tricks. I can also be enerjetic, but sometimes it depends on the day, and I am very athletic and used to do gymnastics so I can do some cool tricks. Dolphins are usually very outgoing animals but if they are harmed or mistreated they can become agressive or non-friendly. I tend to stay happy, but if someone gets on my nerves or hurts me I won't stay happy with them for very long. Overall, I feel that a dolphin fits my personality well because we share a lot of the same traits, even if I'm a human and the dolphin is an animal.

  44. I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a polar bear as a metaphor for who I am. I would choose a polar bear because they are laid back, funny, and somewhat shy. They are also kind and happy creatures. Like me polar bears are shy at first but once they adapt to their environment they are very loving and feel at home. I draw connections to polar bears lazy and closed personalities.This shows my personality is kind and shy.

  45. If I was an author writing a story, I would use a Wolf as a metaphor for who I am. At first wolves may be skittish and afraid of people (or new pack members) and take some time to feel comfortable around the new or foreign people. Therefore I for the mast part am shy and may act quit if I do not know you, but as I get to know I many become more of myself. Another thing is that Wolves are hard working creators, they work for what they want; such as becoming pack leader. I for instance know that you have to put hard work in to get what you want, and when you work hard it was become easier, and all the hard work will pay off. Another thing is that they are loyal to their pack, meaning that they will do what they need to do to protect their pack. I am loyal to my family and friends and stand by there side no matter what.

  46. If I were an author writing an account of my life I would be a playful puppy. I think that I would be this because I'm lovable,and smart, like dogs are. However like a playful puppy I get distracted very easily. Dogs can sometimes be shy like I sometimes am,but then they warm up to you and they are very fun.

  47. If I had to describe myself as any type of animal, monkey. I would use a monkey because I am wild, careless, and fun. Monkeys like to play and mess around which I also enjoy doing.I'm not afraid of heights or climbing trees, which you can always catch a monkey in.

  48. If I were an author, I would use a cat. (I am not copying off of Miss Ertle. I already had a cat picked out before I read hers.) Cats are usually not good with new people or places. Once they get used to you though, the are really nice and playful. I am usually shy around new people and take a while to get used to a new place, but once you get to know me I'm super crazy and outgoing and act like we've been friends our whole lives. Things my cat likes to do is eat, sleep and play. He takes naps all day long and then at night runs around the house and finds anything that makes noise to wake us up. One difference is that I do not like to take naps. I don't know how people can sleep during the day. I wake up early and once I'm up I can't go back to sleep. Like a cat though, I get a lot of my energy at about ten o'clock at night. Then It's hard for me to sleep because I'm not tired. I also like to play outside all the time. That is why I think I would be a cat.

  49. I would use a German Shepard for a metaphor of who I am. I would chose this animal because, I am protective over close friends and family, and also because I can be mean if I have to. Also, at first I might seem mean, like a German Shepard does, but once you get to know me, I'm not mean at all, really. When a German Shepard isn't tired, they are normally playing, being protective over their loved ones, and enjoying the life they have (just like me.) That is why I would chose a German Shepard as the metaphor of who I am.

  50. If the author was writing a book about by life.A animal they would call me a wolf,Because I am strong and wild much like a wolf.I also can't be tamed. I also don't let anyone push me around. ~Tyler Finley

  51. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use my miniature poodle, Ella, as a metaphor for who I am. Ella, like me, is very special. We both seem sweet, quiet, and innocent, but really we are both evil geniuses, that have a tad bit of ADD. We're both overly friendly at times, but when you get comfortable with us, we're pretty fun to be around. When meeting Ella, people sometimes get overwhelmed, and I can be a little overwhelming at times. Another thing that makes me like Ella is that she likes to start fights with my other dog, Teddy, and I like to verbally fight with people (normally about politics). My dog Ella and I, we're alike in a lot ways. But we're both pretty cool, so I wouldn't want to be compared to any other animal.

  52. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would choose to be a beaver. Beavers are skilled workers and they like to build things. I also like building things and I like to use my creative mind. They are hardworking and they are willing to finish what they start. I am the same way by finishing my homework. I am hyper like a beaver and I am generally crazy. I am brown like a beaver too and I used to have buck teeth. I like to do whatever my mind wants. Beavers are herbivores and so am I. I am vegetarian and I do not eat meat.

  53. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would be a horse as a metaphor for who I am. Just like a horse I am very busy, and I can't stay still for long periods of time, there is always something for me to do. Horses and I hold our family in the top of our priorities. Like a horse I am nice but if provoked I am mean.

  54. If I were to title myself as an animal, I would choose a dog. I feel I am similar to a dog because I love to go on walks. Of course dogs love walks. They can stretch their legs and take in some fresh air. Another comparison I have with dogs is I love meeting new people. Sometimes I am shy, but most of the time I am joy filled. Like myself, dogs love to greet guests with tail wagging or a bark because they may be scared or shy of that person. What animal do you feel is similar to you?

  55. If I were to pick an animal that I most relate with I would definitely pick the panda.I would pick the panda because there nice and they do funny stuff.They are also caring and they are kinda care free and don't care what others think about them.I am also fat like a panda bear.That is why I relate to a panda.

  56. I feel like I would be a wolverine. I chose this animal because I have a very bad temper and I am very aggressive. Wolverines are fast and vicious when they need to be and so am I. I know when I need to be fierce and aggressive and I also know when to chill out and take it easy.

  57. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a Giraffe as a metaphor for who I am. First I would chose Giraffe because of my height. Although the Height doesn't matter a Giraffe is a friendly animal. They care about there family. Giraffes also don't get a lot of sleep and I'm one to never get sleep because I'm never tired only on the weekends. Plus they sleep during the day and that is when I usually sleep or take a nap. I think that as a narrator I would describe me as a Giraffe because my height, how nice and friendly I am, and I care about my family.

  58. I wound use a giraffe as a metaphor for myself. They are very tall sort of like me. Also, giraffes only eat plants and I am a vegetarian. They also aren't very social animals. They are also super awkward and very clumsy much like me.

  59. The animal I chose is a dog and the reason for that is like a dog I am going at listening and I have very good hearing. The reason I can draw connection to a dog is that I follow commands and I can see very well. Finally what it say about me is that I am loyal and nice.

  60. If I was an author writing an account of my life, I would use a cheetah as the metaphor for who I am. I would choose this animal because they are kind and funny but also can be very serious at times which is how I am. Also we both are fast. I am oblivious not as fast as a cheetah but I have been called fast for a human. Finally, this says that I am a nice caring person but I can also be a seriously determined person.

  61. If I had to use an animal as a metaphor to represent myself, I would use a fox. They are quick and witty, but also cunning and capable of handleing stress. They can adapt to situations quickly but know when to give up and move on. Plus they love to sleep and eat. I have had to handle many stressful situations but keep my composure throughout the events. I think a fox represents me quite well.

  62. I feel that If I had to choose an animal to represent myself I would choose an octopus, Octopuses are clever animals that can solve simple puzzles and escape from mason jars by opening the top. I also can solve simple puzzles, I'm not so sure about the mason jar thing but I still feel that it is important. When most people think of octopuses they think of giant squids and the like but actually most octopuses are friendly and will actually help you.

  63. If I had to represent myself as an animal in a book, I would represent myself as a gorilla. This is because they tend to be more playful and interact more with gorillas they have already met. This is true with me because I usually figure out if the person can take a joke before I start to distract others, which are usually people I already know. Another reason I am like a gorilla is because they walk bipedal in situations when they carry food short distances. For me, this is the trek from my room to the refrigerator then back again. Gorillas also are loyal, like me, because they will stay with their troop until there are no more adult males to lead it. For these reasons, I believe that I would be portrayed as a gorilla if I had to represent myself as an animal.

  64. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a rabbit as a metaphor of who I am. I am a quieter person, who keeps to them self most of the time. I'm not very outgoing but I don't believe I am mean. Rabbits are quiet, but sweet once you get to know them. I also am very energetic, just like rabbits can be, too. I love to run and play, so I believe that I am most like a rabbit, in comparison to an animal.

  65. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a tiger as a metaphor for who I am. Tigers are confident, determined, trustworthy, and viscous. They are also strong-willed. If I get an idea to do something in my head, I do it. Tigers sleep a lot (16-20 hours a day) and I'm sure that I could do this too if I didn't have so many things going on in my life. When I'm doing a sport that I love, I am determined to do my best and I am viscous depending on the sport. I can be lazy but I can also be very active and outgoing.

  66. If I was an author writing about my life, I would choose a choice an Otter for a metaphor to my personality. Like the Otter, I sometimes can get a little unfocused, but when a problem needs to be solved I immediately try to work on fixing it. I also am afraid to fail the project or not have it work out the right way. Like the Otter, I work best with my small group of friends, and with the right challenge and motivation, I can get anything done. Well in the workplace, the Otter, like myself, doesn't want there to be fights and tension between other Otters or people. The Otter also is in search of the best, traveling up to 15 miles just to get the best piece of fish.

  67. The animal I am most like would have to be a cat. I am most like a cat because I sleep like a cat and I'm playful with others. Cats are loving to others and I like to be that to. Cats are my are my favorite animal.

  68. If I were a author writing a account of my life, I would use an monkey as an metaphor on who I am. I feel I would choose this animal to represent me because I am very friendly and outgoing, kind of like a monkey. In my view I feel monkeys are curious, clever, and very playful, which is kind of like me. Monkeys can also be very adventurous which like me also. I am always wanting to go someplace new and travel a lot.

  69. I am most like a sloth. I don't really like to do much work and I really like to sleep.

  70. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a snake as a metaphor for who I am. Snakes are fast, quiet and not that aggressive. Snake are great swimmers and very fast like me. Being a Swimmer and a track runner this is just like me. These's creatures can be very friendly when you get to know them better.

  71. If I were the author I would probably use a bunny to describe curtis because he is shy, cute fast, and can fight when needed so I think curtis is just like a bunny in someways it's kinda funny how much he resembles a bunny.

  72. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a monkey as a metaphor for who I am. Monkeys are outgoing and active. I am outgoing and like talking to people and making new friends, also, I play lots of sports and do lots of things outside so that is how I am active like a monkey. That is why if I were an author, I would use a monkey as a metaphor for me.

  73. I would be like a cat because I am shy but can be friendly and I am quick and other cat features.

  74. Im like a sloth i dont like to do much work but i still do my work and get good grades

  75. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a cat as a metaphor for who I am. Cats are often very friendly creatures, and loving. They also love to play. However they aren’t very up close and personal if they have just met you, like me. I can often come off as shy when I first meat people. Which I usually am pretty shy. But, once you get to know me, I am very outgoing and my personality is very loud. Also, I am very protective of my friends and property. Cats are also very protective of things like this. Cats also sleep, A LOT, just like me. They are usually very laid back and sometimes lazy. This is pretty much me, I am a big proCATstanator ;D (procrastinator), I’ll admit that. They also like both indoors and out, just like me. While some are particular to one others aren’t. Some days i prefer to stay inside all day, while others I would rather sit in the sun. Cats also like to climb and jump on things. I love to climb trees and rock climb. So as you can see I’m a lot like cats.

  76. If I had to choose an animal that would fit my personality, I would choose a gorilla. I would choose a gorilla because it fits my personality in many ways. Like I always like to move around and wrestle and being outside which gorillas always do these things. They are also very strong and they love their sleep. Which I like both of those.

  77. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would say that I am a sloth. I chose this animal because I am very lazy a lot of the time at my house and like to sleep till like 11 in the morning. Well since sloths are lazy I can compare myself to that because well I'm lazy most of the time. I say all this due to in reality I am not a very active person and I sleep as much as I possibly can.

  78. An animal I would choose that would represent my personality would be a squirrel. They are smart but at the same time very lazy and sleep ten hours a day. They also are very sociable and most of the time not afraid of most things. Squirrels can also be very deceptive. In conclusion, all of these traits describe me because I am a semi-smart, lazy, and deceptive person.

  79. I'd have to use.. uh.. a bat! Mainly because I'm most active during the nighttime, like a bat. Bat's are pretty introverted. (I sure don't see them hanging out in the wild too much, haha.) They also sleep a lot. Not to say I'm lazy and get nothing done, but sleeping is always nice. Yep, yep, that's all.

  80. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a Squirrel as a metaphor for who I am. I am an outgoing, energetic, and can be rude at times ( if you are one of my closer friends you would know how mean I can get). I love to make people smile, but if you don't know me very well I come off annoying like a squirrel. If I were to be an animal this is who I picture myself as.

  81. If I had to choose an animal to represent my personality I would choose a dog. I would choose this because I am very friendly and nice to others. I also like to run a around a lot too. Dogs have many of the same attributes that I have and that is how I picture myself.

  82. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a golden retriever as a metaphor for who I am. Golden retrievers are outgoing and active. I am outgoing and like talking to people and making new friends. I play lots of sports and do lots of things outside. That is why if I were an author, I would use a golden retriever as a metaphor for me.

  83. If I were an author writing an account of my live, I would use a shark as a metaphor for myself. I can be nice and passive at times, but serious and aggressive if I need to. It might surprise you that a shark can be passive, but they actually can when not hunting. People can actually pet and swim with sharks.

  84. If I were an author writing an account of my life,I would use a dog as a metaphor for who I am. I am an outgoing,energetic,and sweet loving person dogs are the some way too. So if I were to be an animal this is who I picture myself as.

  85. If I were an author writing a novel about my life, I would use a squirrel as a metaphor for who I am. I choose a squirrel because I am smart, social, and a good runner. Also depending on my mood I can be mean or nice to people. In conclusion, If I was to write a novel about my life I would use a squirrel to resemble me.

  86. id compare myself to a wolf because i believe that family is number one just like how when you see wolfs there in a pack but i'm very protective and i stand up for myself and if you disrespect my pack or family do not expect your face to be as pretty as you leave as when you disrespected it. Also i believe that I come off as a "tough guy", and wolfs are very scary looking.

  87. If I were an author writing an account of my life, I would use a unicorn, since they don't exist. Just kidding! As a metaphor, I would say I am a goldendoodle. I am intelligent and generally affectionate, not to mention (once again, GENERALLY) kind. Not to mention, I have blonde, curly hair, like that of a goldendoodle.

  88. If I were an author writing an account on my life, I would use a pitbul as a metaphor for who am. At first I am outgoing, I am nice at first but if you get on my bad side then I get super angry.

  89. If I were an author and was writing an autobiography, I would compare myself to an earthworm. Most people don't think much of me or even think of me as repulsive, just like earthworms. I also am often doing my own thing, and during projects I usually work alone. Earthworms are also very important and people generally do not know much about them. They also often come out when it rains, and I love the rain. Therefore, I would be best compared to an earthworm.

  90. If I were to be an animal I would most likely be a Panda. Why a panda you may ask well for 1 thing like a panda I am normally resting relaxing and overall just being lazy I am also quite forgetful and such. panda's are also creatures with large appetites and as you can guess so do I, I normally do stuff to be noticed like the panda.

  91. If I were an author writing an account on my life, I would use a cat as a metaphor for who I am. I look nice and calm, but if you annoy me I will snap at you (most likely.)

  92. Id compare myself to a cat because I dont care what people do if you dont bother me. And I like to be left alone and sleeping.

  93. i would be a cat because i don't care about things only if i want to
